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What are your cabinets made of? Do they stand up to the price you are paying? Learn about what makes RTA cabinets so great and re-evaluate your cabinet situation for yourself!

RTA Cabinets Built to Last – Why RTA Cabinets Have Become so Popular

Are RTA cabinets worth the money? Of course, they are! With Wholesale Cabinets, we aim to give you more than what you pay for so that you can shop rta kitchen cabinets online with peace of mind.

In this post, you will learn:
  • What are high-quality cabinets made of?
  • What are low-quality cabinets made of?
  • How do I know if my cabinets are quality?
  • Are expensive cabinets worth the money?
Dark brown, solid wood cabinets surrounded by a bar and barstools.

Quality Derived from Materials

The main determinant of a quality cabinet is the materials that are chosen for its construction. Many big box stores carry cheap assembled cabinets but they are made from LDF, more commonly referred to as particleboard. Particleboard is the lowest quality material that a cabinet can be made from. None of our cabinets are made from particleboard. We use mostly engineered products such as MDF and HDF for the best resistance to moisture and warping. A portion of our selection also features solid wood doors, which provide the premium feel of custom cabinets at an affordable price.

Cabinets in a kitchen without countertops

Structural Integrity

The cool part about RTA is that it allows you to be a part of the process. This way, if you ever have a problem with a part of your cabinets, you will have a better idea of how to fix it. As you build and install your cabinets you will see them transform from loose pieces of wood and metal into a solid piece of functional furniture. Assembling your cabinets is a simple and valuable experience for any homeowner.

A kitchen linedrawing that fades into actual kitchen cabinets.

More for Your Money

Custom cabinets are great quality cabinets built to your specifications, but oftentimes they are 3-4 times the price of prefabricated cabinets! Wholesale Cabinets aims to bridge the gap between an ideal customer experience and an affordable one. Feel free to have a look at our guide about what rta cabinets cost. Our cabinets are customizable and our designers are available to take design requests to build your kitchen to your specifications. Free designs along with affordable, high-quality cabinets are the ways that we provide you with the most bang for your buck. Read on for more information on buying cabinets online.

Article by:
Dustin Blaylock

Product Marketing Specialist at Wholesale Cabinets
Dustin is passionate about all things wooden, and actually crafts tables and cabinets by hand when he isn't writing articles or developing new business.